School of Archaeology and Tourism :: The University of Jordan :: ​Dr. Adnan Al-Shayeb as an official speaker at the 11th International Conference titled "Arab Inter-Tourism

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​Dr. Adnan Al-Shayeb as an official speaker at the 11th International Conference titled "Arab Inter-Tourism

​Dr. Adnan Al-Shayeb, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism, participated as an official speaker at the 11th International Conference titled "Arab Inter-Tourism: Between Competition and the Necessity of Integration," held in Port Said. The conference took place from February 23rd to 25th, 2022, organized by the Association of Arab Tourism Colleges, Institutes, and Departments affiliated with the Association of Arab Universities. Dr. Nevine Jalal, the association's secretary-general and dean of the Faculty of Tourism and Hotels at the Suez Canal University, presided over the conference, under the patronage of the University's president.