Department of Archaeology
The Department of Archaeology is the core department of the faculty of Archaeology and tourism . it was established in 1962 as the first Department specialize in Archaeology in Jordan . the Department grants bachelor and master degrees
The Department has been supplying Department of Antiquities and museums of qualified and trained staff , since about 80% of those who hold masters and doctorate in the DoA, ministry of tourism and public and private universities of Jordan were Originally Graduates of this section.
It Grants bachelor and master degree in Archaeology that stretches from prehistoric times until the end of Ottoman ear. There are two museums of Antntignities and Heritage which follows the faculty, attached to these museums are a laboratories of photography, drawing, surveying and renovation and stores for archaeological finds which obtained through Archaeological excavations carried out by staff of the faculty, In many Archaeological sites.
The Department of Archaeology conducted many archaeological surveys and excavations included all areas of Jordan, which enriched the museum of Jordan in general and the museum of the university of Jordan in particular.