Intended learning outcomes have
been developed to reflect the following reference points (e.g. Vision and
Mission of the University, Professional Associations, Accreditation Bodies
and Quality Standards at the University of Jordan)
1- Strategic Plan of the
University of Jordan (2017-2022), aimed at developing the skills of
creativity, innovation and leadership among students.
2- Providing an academic program
that reflects quality standards and accreditation requirements, so that the
programs are continuously developed and updated to cope with the rapid
developments in the field of higher education and the use of modern
technologies in education.
3- Periodic meetings with the
Tourism Labor Market Committee composed of representatives and
decision-makers from the labour market in order to explore their worldviews
and thus develop the skills, knowledge and linguistic aspects required of the
4- Proposals and recommendations
published electronically by international institutions such as the World
Tourism Organization (WTO) regarding the specialization of tourism.
5- The teaching staff in the
Department of Tourism Management, where they had a role in the development
and refinement of the intended learning outcomes, for their academic and
research experience in the field of tourism management, and ambitions to
raise the level of education in the department to reach global horizons.
6- World-class universities offer
a relatively similar tourism management program.
7- Hosting international experts
in the field of tourism education in the Department of Tourism Management at
the University of Jordan, such as the visit of the expert Dr. Edith M Szivas