Intended learning outcomes
Student by the end of this program
shall be able to:
1- Knowledge and
-Understand the cultural,
civilizational and material diversity that has passed through Jordan over the
-Ability to evaluate the
importance of archaecological
- Write archaeological reports on archaecological excavations.
2- Application and Analysis
- Distinguish between
historical and cultural periods in the archaeological site.
-Provide the skill and
craftsmanship necessary to support the various institutions that are located in
the sectors of research,
which are related with
archaeology and museums.
-Develop intellectual and
creative skills in the areas of communication, dialogue, meaningful analysis
and support team work spirit which the student
needs to build their future for careers after graduation.
-The student is able to work
in the programs of archaeology
and different sciences to be related to this specialization.
-The student is able to work
in the field and adapt to the different environmental and geographical
conditions and have acquired the spirit of work within the team.
3- Construction
- The ability to interpret
archaeological phenomena and relate them to each other.
-The ability of the student to study
the natural Landscapes Archaeology and their abilities to re-imagine or build
what is left of the archaeology of previous eras.
-Students acquire a range of skills
to analyse and display archaeological data.
4- Creativity
-Studying the physical remnants that
human beings of different ages and interpretation of their functions, whether
social, religious or political.
-Comparison of archaeological finds
from Jordanian sites with similar archaeological sites in neighbouring
countries and civilizations and work on linking these discoveries to give a
clear picture of the cultural image in different historical periods that
prevailed in these sites or geographical regions.