School News :: School of Archaeology and Tourism

School News

  • 23 - Sep
  • 2021

Names of the winning students for the best final reports for the practical training courses in tourism management and practical training in hotels


​In an effort by the college to encourage outstanding students in the field of scientific research in the Department of Tourism Management. We announce to you the names of the students who won the best final reports for the practical training courses in tourism management and practical training in hotels


Practical training in tourism management

- Ghufran Noufan Mufleh Al-Ababsa

Zaid Jamal Jawdat Al-Jariri

- Ismail Mohamed Mahmoud Abu Shakra

Practical training in hotels

- Sarah Abu Bakr Abu Yusef

- Rabab

Students will be honored at a time to be determined later

Congratulations to the winning students