Automated Exam Questions.docx
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:03 AMYes
Course Report.doc
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:05 AMYes
course syllabus (1).doc
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:05 AMYes
Exam Blueprint The relation between the course Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) and the questions.docx
StudentsHaya Soliman1/4/2024 10:59 AMYes
Form (1) Student data.docx
StudentsTourism ManagementTourism Managementhana bani ata2/3/2021 2:01 PMYes
Form (2) Training Schedule.docx
StudentsTourism ManagementTourism Managementhana bani ata2/3/2021 2:01 PMYes
Paper-Base Exam Sheet.docx
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:24 AMYes
Paper-Based Questions Cover Sheet.docx
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:24 AMYes
Post Exam Moderation and Review.docx
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:24 AMYes
Pre-Exam Review.docx
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:24 AMYes
Progam Specifications.doc
StaffHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:21 AMYes
Security Form.docx
OthersHaya Soliman1/4/2024 11:21 AMYes
Student guide for practical training in tourism management and practical training in hotels.pdf
StudentsTourism ManagementTourism Managementhana bani ata2/3/2021 2:02 PMYes