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The International Conference on the Nabataean Culture was initiated at the request of His Majesty King Abdullah II Ibn Al-Hussein as an international triennial conference to represent "a touring ambassador" for the heritage of the Nabataeans.
President Adel Al-Twaissi, former President of the University of Jordan translated the noble suggestion of His Majesty into reality by dedicating full financial and moral support to this international gathering, and assigned Professor Nabil I. Khairy, former Dean of Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism to carry on the responsibility and to fulfill this royal initiative, to promote and encourage new dimensions on the different aspects of the Nabataean culture, and to tackle themes related to the Nabataean arts, trade, coinage, communication. International relations and cultural interaction. Consequently, the First International Conference on the Nabataean Culture was held under the Royal Patronage of His Majesty at Petra between May 5th and 8th, 2012, which organized by the University of Jordan, and corresponds the Golden Jubilee of the University of Jordan, and the bicentenary of the visit to Petra by Jean Louis Burckhardt, the swiss traveler who brought the attention of the world to the Petra," the rose red city".
- The
first Chapter in the modern Exploration of Petra by David M. Jacobson.
- Nabataean Aramaic in Context. Aramaization and Arabization? by John Healey.
- Rediscovering Early Hellenistic Petra Recent Excavations in the Civic Center by
David F. Graf.
- The 2012
al-Katuteh Excavations in Petra – Methods and Preliminary Results by Mustafa Kocak – Karl-Uwemahler.
- The 2012
al-Katuteh Excavations in Petra – The Byzantine Pottery by Nabil I. Khairy.
- Unpainted
Petra Style Bowls from Wadi ath-Thamad, Jordan: A Technological Focus by Maria- Louise Sidoroff.
- The
Unique Ornamentations on the Painted Nabataean plates and bowls by Nabil I. Khairy.
- Vine
Grape pecking birds in Nabataean Art –A Pictorial Motif in Orient and Occident
by Thomas M. weber.
- Aspects
of the Particularity and Creativity of the Nabataean Architecture During the Late Hellenistic and Roman Periods by Naif
A. Haddad
- 10- A
Nabataean Chamber Tomb and Carved Block in Wadi Mataha, Petra, Jordan by David J. Johnson.
- Elephant-Headed Capitals in Petra by Zdravko Dimitrov.
- The
Nabataean Army on Machaerus – New Archaeological and Architectural Evidence by GyoZo
- Nabataeans and the Coinage Gold Minting by Ibrahim S. Sadaqa.
- Daily
Life of the Nabataeans in the Hinterland of Petra by Burton Macdonald.
- Everyday Life of Nabataeans in ancient Petra - A modern Tourism Product by Ziad
AL- Rawadieh.
- Iconoclasm in Petra and other Nabataean sites by Judith McKenzie
* Addition an Arabic abstracts for the English papers.
The second International Conference on the Nabataean Culture was held in Provo, Utah, USA on Wednesday through Saturday, May 6th – 9th, 2015, in the spirit of the bilateral academic agreement between the University of Jordan and Brigham Young University.
- Nabataean Epigraphy, Law and Religion, 1985-2015 By John F. Healey
- Nabataean Seafaring and the Search for Shipwrecks in the Red Sea By Ralph K. Pedersen and Rupert A. Brandmeier
- Nabataean Amethyst Trade: Sources, Production and Use By David Johnson
- The
Influences of Aramaic on the Dialect of Wadi Musa a Conspecuts By Zeyad Al-Salameen
- The
Nabataean Culture Performances and the Border By Nabil I. Khairy
- The
Oblisque, the Elephant, and the Crow-Step: New Evidences for Ptolemaic Influences in Hellenistic and Early Roman
Petra By Cynthia Finlayson
- Conservation Compromising Authenticity in Petra CRM: The Nabataean Mural Painting at Siq el-Barid as Case Study By
Sa'ad Twaissi
- Nabataean in Southern Arabia: Some Epigraphic Evidence of Influence and Presence By Anna Accettola
- The
Syllaeus Saga Revisited By David F. Graf
- Telling
Tales about the past: Official and Unofficial Narratives Identity on the
Tourist Trail in Petra Archaeological Park By Suleiman Farajat.
- What
Happened to the Nabataeans?The Literary and Archaeological Evidences By Burton MacDonald
- Preliminary Petrographic Study of Nabataean Painted and Unpainted Fine Wares from Mudayna Thamad By Maria-Louise
- Wadi
Yutm, Southern Jordan: New Evidence of Dense Nabataean Settlements By John Scott

ICPNC The Third International Conference on
the Nabataean Culture will be held in Petra, Jordan on Monday through Thursday,
June 18th – 21th, 2018, is under patronage of H.R.H Prince ElHassan Bin Talal.
and organizing by The University of Jordan with cooperation with Petra
development tourism Region Authority in Petra. Participate
in the Conference 38 academic researchers from 15 countries (Jordan, Egypt,
Lebanon, kingdom of Saudi Arabia, France, Belgium, Netherlands, USA, Italy,
Germany, England, Poland, Switzerland, Belgium, and Argentina) will present 32
lectures that focus on three main themes: - Cultural
- Local
- Trade,
Trade route
ARTICLES: - Magic, Medicine and Fraud By David Johnson.
- Nabataeans or
Itureans in Mount Lebanon? About the Aramaic inscription of Yanouḥ By Gaby
- Variation in
the Nabataean Aramaic of the Nabataean Period By John Healey.
- The development
of Nabataean Madā’in Ṣāliḥ (Saudi Arabia) into an attractive sightseeing: from
traditional rejection to official recognition By Virginia Cassola-Cochin.
- The 'Nabataean'
Blocked-out Capital in Its Wider Framework. A Closer Look By Matthias Grawehr Aleksandra Brzozowska-Jawornicka.
- Excavations at
the Early Bronze Age Settlement at Umm Saisabān near Petra By Ulrich Hübner.
- Beyond Petra:
Nabataean Cultic and Mortuary Practices and the Cultural Heritage of the Negev
and Edom By Juan Manuel Tebes.
- Production in
the hinterland of Petra: wine presses as a case study By Fawzi Q. Abudanah.
- The Nabataeans
And AL-Wu’ayra. Archaeological Data, Hypothesis and Questions By Andrea VANNI-DESIDERI.
- The Dionysiac
Lands of Petra’s Northern Hinterland By David F. Graf.
- 1A note on aṭ-Ṭuwayr,
an Eastern Nabataean site? By Guillaume Charloux.
- The Nabataean
School of Painted Fine "Egg-Shell" Ware : Mythology and Concept By
Zaid T. Adnan & Mohannad H. Al-Tantawi.
- The Camel
Reliefs in Petra’s Siq: Reflections on the Life and Afterlife of an Early
Nabataean Monument By Björn
- The Nabataean
Rural Economy in the Hinterland of Petra By Andrew M. Smith.
- Wadi Aglat Winery By Ueli
- The capitals of
the Capital - New insights into freestanding Nabataean Architecture in Petra By
Marco Dehner.
- House V12 at
the southern end of the ancient village of Dharih By Pauline Piraud-Fournet and
Laïla Nehmé.
- The Hanging Baths
of Jabal Khubthah (Petra) : Preliminary Conclusions Following
Archaeological and Architectural Studies (2015-2017) By Thibaud Fournet and Nicolas
- Investigating the
Socio-Political Make-Up of Rural Petra – The Petra Hinterland Social Landscapes
Project By Will M. Kennedy.
- A head from the
frieze of the Temenos Gate at Petra By Robert Wenning.
For more click Here to the conference website
| 8/18/2020 | | | The International Conference on Petra and the Nabataean Culture | The International Conference on Petra and the Nabataean Culture | | | | .jpg)
The conference on burial customs in the Levant from Roman times to the end of the Islamic era opened at the University of Jordan on September 10, 2013. The conference was organized by School of Archaeology and Tourism at the University in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and German universities.
The two-day conference, titled "Burial Customs in the Levant from Roman Times to the End of the Islamic Era," was attended by 28 experts specializing in archaeology and excavation from local, Arab, and German universities, in addition to the Jordanian universities.
According to the preparatory committee chairman, Prof. Dr. Nizar Attarshan from the University of Jordan, the conference aims to enhance cultural and scientific exchange and cooperation between the University of Jordan and German universities, and to understand the religious, cultural, social, and anthropological identities of the Jordanian people during those periods.
Attarshan added that School of Archaeology and Tourism, represented by the Department of Archaeology, was keen to start the new academic year with academic research activities aimed at highlighting the ethnic, religious, and cultural aspects of archaeological sites in Jordan throughout the ages and the burial customs therein.
During the opening ceremony, Prof. Dr. Shatwi Al-Abdullah, Vice President for Administrative and Financial Affairs at the University, delivered a speech emphasizing that the conference represents a significant milestone in the university's history, bringing together distinguished European academics specializing in burial customs alongside their Jordanian and Arab counterparts.
Al-Abdullah affirmed that the conference's topics, focusing on burial customs throughout the ages in the Levant, could serve as a unifying factor for the peoples of the region despite the political differences among them.
Representative of the DAAD, Prof. Dr. Thomas Weber, expressed pride in the efforts made by the conference organizers in preparation and implementation, aiming to establish a solid foundation contributing to the success of the conference.
Dr. Christoph Eger from the University of Munich shed light on religious practices and rituals that characterized successive eras, from the Roman to the Islamic, in preparing the deceased from the moment of death until burial.
Eger pointed out clear differences in religious practices between the Roman era and the Byzantine and Islamic periods, confirming that religions impose specific rituals for preparing and burying the deceased.
On behalf of the students of the Faculty of Archaeology and Tourism, Hala Abu Jarada welcomed participants from various local, regional, and German universities, highlighting her academic benefit from the scholarship she received from the German DAAD foundation.
The conference participants discussed research papers covering various topics related to burial customs, spanning from the Hellenistic and Roman periods to an extensive review of burial customs in the Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic eras, along with the differences that accompanied each era through historical sources and excavation results revealing these graves in Jordan. They also focused on studies related to organic anthropology concentrated on the results of archaeological excavations.
During the first day sessions, researchers presented topics related to burial customs among the Nabateans, the Roman eras, the forms of burial coffins in northern Jordan, the continuity of burial customs in the Yarmouk archaeological site from the late Bronze Ages to the Islamic eras.
The sessions also examined the features of burial customs in many archaeological sites spread across the governorates of Jordan, such as Khirbet al-Samra, Um Qais, and the Jordanian desert, through inscriptions and archaeological remains.
| 10/9/2013 | | | The conference on burial customs in the Levant from Roman times to the end of the Islamic era | The conference on burial customs in the Levant from Roman times to the end of the Islamic era | | | | 
In conjunction with its fiftieth anniversary celebrations, the University of Jordan reaffirms its leadership in tourism and hotel education by hosting the National Conference on Tourism and Hotel Education in collaboration with the USAID-funded Tourism Project in Amman, Jordan. The conference concluded at the Sheraton Hotel in Amman on Wednesday, December 19, 2012, under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Wajih Owais, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and His Excellency Professor Nayef Al-Fayez, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities.
The conference addressed several issues concerning higher education and the tourism industry in light of the changes occurring in the Arab region and the growing demand for qualified professionals in both the tourism and hotel sectors. The main sessions included discussions on various aspects, including highlighting the challenges facing the relationship between tourism and hotel education and the tourism industry. Speakers discussed the relationship between regulatory sectors in the tourism and hotel industry and universities, institutes, and colleges involved in tourism and hotel education, which graduate human resources engaged in the industry, opening the door to common interests between both parties. For example, industry employers hope to acquire trained and ready human capacities to engage directly in their service sectors, requiring enhancement of their practical and applied skills during their academic stages.
In contrast, academics aim to equip students with communication skills, analytical abilities, and problem-solving capabilities, incorporating these into the curricula to enhance graduates' employability. The second session aimed to describe Jordan's position compared to global trends in strategic partnerships, requiring joint efforts to develop, and perhaps innovate, distinguished programs to address common challenges.
The third session discussed the prospects for cooperation and partnership between educational institutions and the tourism industry, considering tourism as one of the main economic sectors advancing among emerging industries in Jordan. Innovation and development in the tourism industry represent the cornerstone for enhancing competitiveness and investing available potentials, which may intersect with the role of educational institutions in stimulating and creating new ideas and practices beneficial to the industry. This aligns with the fact that tourism is an industry based on human resources and their role in enhancing the quality and diversity of services provided, which is vital for the economic success of the industry. Therefore, developing the skills of graduates heading to the job market and their ability to analyze and solve problems is a necessary and unavoidable matter.
The fourth session was dedicated to drafting a framework for strategic cooperation and partnership by presenting successful experiences in cooperation and strategic partnership between educational institutions and the tourism industry in Jordan as the basis for the national framework for strategic cooperation and partnership. Six main aspects of strategic cooperation and partnership were identified as the basis for the national framework, including field training programs for students, student projects, cooperation and exchange of administrative experiences, advisory teams from the industry, employment of graduates, and research work and consultancy.
The University of Jordan aims, through hosting the conference, to enhance its image as a leader in tourism and hotel education and as a leading institution in promoting partnership between educational institutions and the tourism and hotel industry, in line with its celebrations of the fiftieth anniversary of its establishment. This also aligns with its plans to meet the needs of the labor market for skilled and trained workforce. The conference concluded with a series of recommendations, including the call for the development of practical training programs in collaboration with tourism institutions and the establishment of mechanisms for their implementation, the enhancement of academic exchange opportunities between universities, and the encouragement of joint research, in addition to the call for providing support programs for tourism and hotel programs in cooperation with the private tourism sector.
| 12/19/2012 | | | The National Conference on Tourism and Hotel Education | The National Conference on Tourism and Hotel Education | | | | 
The scientific day under the title "Digitization in Heritage and Tourism"
Prof. Dr. Ziad Al-Hawamdeh, the Vice President of Jordan University for Administrative and Financial Affairs, sponsored the scientific day of School of Antiquities and Tourism, entitled "Digitization in Heritage and Tourism." The event was attended by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Ziad Alrawadieh, the representative of the Director General of the Department of Antiquities, Aktham Al-Abbadi, and members of the faculty, administrative staff, and students of the School.
Al-Hawamdeh emphasized the importance of the scientific day, which discusses the issue of digitization in heritage and tourism, especially at a time when we witness wars and their destructive effects on archaeological sites as seen in Gaza. This provides an opportunity to find solutions to many problems, especially those faced by the tourism and archaeological sectors during the COVID-19 pandemic. He pointed out that Jordan University, under the guidance of its President Pfof. Nathir Obeidat, is working on digitization projects in all its School and units, utilizing artificial intelligence, which has become a necessity in our era due to its superior ability to analyze and process data in amazing ways, thus elevating the university's ranking among its local and international counterparts.
Dr. Ziad Alrawadieh stated that the school chose the topic of digitization in heritage and tourism due to its rapid deployment on the global scene after the COVID-19 pandemic. Virtual tours and museums have become widespread, and remote work has become common in tourism. The concept of jobs has changed, and the skills and knowledge required for the job market have shifted, with the proliferation of artificial intelligence products and applications, necessitating the development of our curricula and teaching methods to keep pace with all of this.
Al-Abbadi expressed his happiness in participating in this very important scientific day, confirming the Department of Antiquities' interest in digitization since the 1990s through projects involving digitization uses and the input of all data, maintenance and restoration work for archaeological sites, documentation, and preservation. He also mentioned the department's efforts to network with all academic institutions inside and outside Jordan to facilitate the extraction of documented data and information for research and studies.
The scientific day included discussions on multiple axes, including: "Artificial Intelligence and Its Uses in Tourism Promotion" presented by student Diaa Al-Samhouri, "How Can Digital Technology Contribute to the Preservation and Documentation of Archaeological and Heritage Sites?" presented by student Shahd Khalil, "Electronic Tourism Applications" presented by student Sarah Al-Sous, "The Use of Geographic Information Systems in Documenting Archaeological and Heritage Sites" presented by student Norhan Mustafa, "Architectural and Site Reconstruction Through Digital Archaeology Implementation" presented by student Kamal Al-Noubani, "The Use of Lidar Technology in Archaeology" presented by students Noor Taha and Dima Harb, "Internet of Things Applications in Tourism Industry" presented by student Lena Adnan, "The Importance of Digitization in Preserving Endangered Archaeological Sites Through 3D Site Imaging" presented by student Rou'a Attia, "Robot Tourism" presented by student Hussein Zamel, "Digitization of Archaeological Pottery" presented by student Lana Jaber, "Digital Archaeology in Using 3D Visualization and Simulation for Burial Customs" presented by student Al-Harith Al-Damour, and "The Role of Photogrammetry in Archaeology and Heritage" presented by student Malek Al-Badawi.
The scientific day witnessed a distinguished attendance of School students and interested parties, and the discussions of the axes were interactive and enriching.
| 5/5/2024 | | | Digitization in Heritage and Tourism | Digitization in Heritage and Tourism | | | | The Scientific Day of School of Archaeology and Tourism: "Future Prospects and Visions for Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan" 
As part of its efforts to enhance scientific research and support the archaeology and tourism sectors in Jordan, School of Archaeology and Tourism at the University of Jordan organized its scientific day under the title: "Future Prospects and Visions for Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan" on Tuesday, May 31, 2022. The event was held under the patronage of Professor Dr. Ahmad Majdouba, Vice President for Humanities Affairs, with the presence of His Excellency Prof. Dr. Nizar Obeidat, President of the University of Jordan.
The goal of the scientific day was to review the status of the archaeology and tourism sectors in Jordan after the COVID-19 pandemic. The event focused on identifying the strengths and advantages of these sectors and ways to enhance them, as well as addressing the weaknesses they face and how to mitigate them. Additionally, future prospects for these sectors were discussed on a local, regional, and global scale. The event also aimed to highlight the achievements of the School of Archaeology and Tourism in keeping up with scientific developments and serving the community in alignment with the university’s vision and mission.
The event began with the recitation of verses from the Qur'an by student Abdullah Muhaysin from the School of Sharia. This was followed by a speech from the Dean of the School of Archaeology and Tourism, Professor Dr. Mahmoud Arinat, who emphasized that the scientific day was a continuation of the university’s and School’s policy of organizing scientific events. He highlighted the School's role in advancing research on contemporary national, regional, and global issues and offering developmental visions to overcome obstacles, present solutions, and provide practical research outcomes.
Dr. Imad Hijazin, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, spoke about the National Tourism Strategy for the years 2021-2025. This strategy aims to help the tourism sector recover from the damage caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The strategy includes four key phases: response, recovery, reopening, and reforms, focusing on five main pillars: product development, human resources, marketing, heritage management and protection, and reforms. The goal is to increase tourist numbers and return tourism revenues to pre-pandemic levels by 2024, as well as increase direct employment in the tourism sector.
The first session of the scientific day featured two presentations. The first was by Her Highness Sharifa Noufa Bint Nasser, President of the Jordanian Friends of Archaeology and Heritage Society, who discussed the society’s activities and achievements in protecting Jordan's archaeological and heritage assets and raising public awareness about their importance. The second presentation was by Mrs. Rana Al-Twalba from the Shola Society for Tourism and Heritage Revitalization, who focused on community initiatives aimed at promoting tourism and preserving heritage, as well as the challenges and difficulties women faced in the tourism sector post-COVID-19.
The second session focused on the achievements of the School of Archaeology and Tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Professor Prof. Dr. Maysoon Al-Nahar from the Department of Archaeology presented one of the archaeological projects carried out during the pandemic, focusing on the excavation work at the Ain Ghazal archaeological site in 2020. Prof. Dr. Nabiel Ali, also from the Department of Archaeology, discussed the excavation project at Tell As-Sukhna in the Zarqa Governorate, which uncovered significant Bronze Age city features, including city walls, gates, and towers.
The third presentation was by Prof. Dr. Adnan Al-Shiyab, who discussed the excavation project at the archaeological city of Jerash, highlighting the key findings of the project. Another presentation covered the documentation and restoration of the Early Islamic Bathhouse in Al-Muqeer, a project supervised by Prof. Dr. Oliver Pilz Bales and Dr. Ruba Seiseh, Head of the Department of Heritage Management and Preservation. This project, which took place between August 22 and October 2, 2021, was funded by the German Embassy in Jordan through the Cultural Heritage Preservation Program of the German Foreign Office.
The scientific day concluded with a presentation by Dr. Hussein Abu Asal, Head of the Department of Tourism Management, who discussed the practical training of students in tourism management: the reality and future aspirations. He addressed the challenges and obstacles faced by students in practical training courses during the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures taken to address them.
The event concluded with thanks to all the organizers, particularly the Dean of the School of Archaeology and Tourism, the Scientific Day Committee, participants, faculty members, and attendees.
| 5/31/2022 | | | Future Prospects and Visions for Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan | Future Prospects and Visions for Archaeology and Tourism in Jordan |